Deildarsýning Siberian Husky deildar 2024

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Skráningarfrestur: 24. maí kl. 12

Deildarsýning Siberian Husky deildar verður haldin á Víðistaðatúni laugardaginn 8. júní, sömu helgi og júní sýning HRFÍ. Tímasetning hefur ekki alveg verið ákveðin, en áætlað er að byrja eftir að sýningu HRFÍ er lokið þann daginn.

Dómari að þessu sinni er Sheri Wright (USA) en hún hefur ræktað undir nafninu Bralin (frekari upplýsingar um hana hér að neðan).

Almenn skráning fer fram á skráningarvef HRFÍ,
Einnig verður keppt í geldum flokk og Besti Geldi Hundur Sýningar valinn. Skráning í geldan flokk (tíkur og rakkar) fer fram hér:

ATH! Ræktunarhópa og keppendur í par þarf að skrá á!

Um Sheri Wright

I acquired my first Siberian Husky in 1984 and fell in love with the breed.  I soon joined the Siberian Husky Club of Central Ohio in Columbus. I knew nothing about Siberian Huskies but I wanted to learn everything I could about this beautiful breed.  The club members were wonderful and helpful and introduced me to conformation, obedience and sledding. I decided I wanted to try my hand at conformation showing and with the help of friends I soon joined the Central Ohio Kennel Club and starting attending shows and ring stewarding for the club. My first dog did not turn out to be of good enough quality to finish her championship but I had fun showing her until I got my first “real” show dog Travelin’s Spencer for Hire. I had a blast showing him and won points every weekend. He soon became a Champion and with so much success and winning, I was hooked on dog shows for life. I joined the Siberian Husky Club of America in 1992 as I wanted to become even more involved with the breed. I eventually ran for the board of directors for the SHCA and ended up serving 8 years.  

Through the years I have completed dozens of Champions owner-handled, winning Specialties, Groups, National Specialty awards and sled dog degrees. BISS GCH Bralin’s Jack Be Nimble, SD (Jack) received The Top Producer Award for 2015.

My Husband Doug Jones and I married at the National Specialty at Purina Farms in 2000.

Bralin Siberian Huskies have sold around the country and have achieved Multiple Best in Specialty shows, Group wins and placements, National Specialty awards, Obedience titles, Sled dog degrees and weight pull awards. I also received the Working-Showing Trophy in 2007 thanks to my Husband and my Daughter (Marisa Brake) for their involvement and participation at the events.

As an approved AKC judge for Siberian Huskies I have judged multiple Specialty shows in the U.S. and abroad. It is always an honor to be invited to judge at Specialty shows. I love the Siberian Husky and judging them had become one of my greatest passions.

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